Taiwan Celebrates FEPOW Day
FEPOW (Far East Prisoner of War) Day was first conceived last year in the UK and is a concerted drive to have August 15th designated as a day to especially remember all those – military and civilians, who suffered imprisonment by the Japanese during World War II.
Last year (2007) several events were held in the UK to commemorate this special day. The movement is spreading worldwide and for the first time ever this year the event was celebrated in Taiwan.
Organized by the Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society and co-sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government, the event was held at the Taipei Film House in the heart of the city on Sunday August 10th.
More than 30 turned up for the afternoon’s activity which featured an exhibition of World War II and prisoner of war artifacts from the Society’s growing museum collection, a remembrance service for the POWs and the showing of the film “A War Story” – which depicts the life of Major Ben Wheeler a Canadian doctor in the infamous Kinkaseki Camp on Taiwan.
Society board member Jerome Keating was the emcee and after welcoming all the guests, explained a little of what FEPOW Day means and what its goals are for the future. Society director Michael Hurst MBE then shared a little of the Taiwan POWs’ story and what the Society is doing to tell that story and make sure that the former Taiwan POWs are never forgotten.
Just prior to the showing of the film a short remembrance service was held on behalf of all the FEPOWs. Board member Mark Wilkie – a more recent veteran, spoke about remembrance and read a tribute to the POWs entitled “A Time to Remember”. A moment’s silence was observed and then the hymn “Abide With Me” was played. As this hymn – a favorite of all of the captives, softly filled the room, the words were read and everyone could understand and feel why this old hymn meant so much to them.
Following the film a time of fellowship was held with refreshments and many stayed to view the exhibit and chat and ask questions about the POWs in Taiwan. We want to thank the Taipei City Government and the Taipei Film House for their assistance in making the day such a success, and we hope that when we hold it again next year, we will have an even greater turnout.
Below are a few photos of the day’s activity:


Society Director Michael Hurst addressing the gathering
Former veteran Mark Wilkie pays tribute to the POWs


Viewing the displays and learning about the FEPOWs
The WWII Military & Far East Prisoner of War Exhibit
