The Stevedore's Swing
Norman Colley
(Kobe House)
Swing is the thing,
Yes, swing is the thing.
S.W.I.N.G. is the thing.
Now young Miss Blues met Mr Rhythm,
And they got together with this marriage thing,
And to the happy union
One fine morning in Spring
A lovely baby was born called Swing
In dancing it became the latest craze
The Bands played it in many different ways
It even reached Kobe where it was the latest thing
And the Horyos named it 'The Stevedore's Swing.
It's The Stevedore's Swing, the very latest thing,
Yatse, Dock I Nai I De [pronounced Yat- say-dock-I-Ny-day]
The Stevedore's Swing, makes you want to sing
Hai Diggy Dock Hai Nai
Without that rhythm, you can't work with 'em,
You know - without it you can't do a thing,
It's the Stevedore's Swing, the very latest thing,
Kore Wanchai Piggy Jai Nai I De.
All the boys get in the swing,
with bags of satoo [sugar] do the highland fling,
All the Archers [green archers or foremen] begin to sing,
Yoroshi Jai Nai to the Stevedore's swing,
Jeffers is the Rhythm King
Charlie makes those cymbals ring
Willie whips his whistle out and we all sing,
Yoroshi Jai Nai to the Stevedore's swing.
Down at Takies where the looters go,
Mitsubishi and Kobe Go,
What earns you that small brown ring ?
Brother you've guessed it, the Stevedore's swing.
Even down at Toyo Steel
The Piggy women do the Scottish Reel
At Showa Denki the boys all sing
Those black eyed babies do the Stevedore's swing.