Disabled Squaddie

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The Disabled Squaddie


Arthur Lane


Bless are they who understand
My faltering step and paralysed hand,
Blessed are they who know my ears today
Must strain to catch each word they say.
Blessed are they who seem to know
My eyes are dim, my wits are slow,
Blessed are they who look away
When coffee was spilled at the table today.
Blessed are they who never say
"You've told that story twice today",
Blessed are they who make it known
That I'm loved, respected and not alone,
Blessed are they who ease the days
On my journey home in loving ways.




[Fepow Day] [Appeal-Poems] [Despair-Poems] [A Child Soldiers Mother] [A Light From the Lisbon Maru] [Army that Was Betrayed] [Changi Stew] [Christmas Day in Taiwan] [Disabled Squaddie] [Down the Mine] [Fall of Corregidor] [Far East Prisoner of War] [FEPOW Guide To Life] [Five Thousand] [Forgotten Army] [Hill on Taiwan] [Kobe House Blues] [Lament] [Laughing Boy] [Lisbon Maru] [Little Boys that Churchill Forgot] [Nightmares] [Night Terror] [No Hand To Hold] [My Jailers] [One God Too Many Devils] [Prison Camp Mirage] [Quitter] [Rice] [Singapore] [Singapore the Mighty Fortress] [Soldiers Lament] [Song of the Railroad] [Special Parade] [Taiwan Camp No2 1942] [The Dance] [The Railway] [Thoughts of a Soldier] [Unknown Grave] [Victim] [Work] [Hope-Poems] [Remembrance-Poems]



© Copyright Ron.Taylor@fepow-day.org