Down the Mine

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Down the Mine

Song by

Trumpeter Arthur Smith


`Kinkaseki“ POW Camp Taiwan 1942


There's a song in old Fotmosa that the Nips they loudly sing,

In the billets every evening you should hear the music ring,

Now they sing to British soldiers who have travelled from afar,

To fight for king and country, now they“re prisoners of war,

But they know they'll see their homeland in the future once again,

Listen, while I sing to you the Nipponese refrain.



Down the mine bonnie laddies down the mine you'll go,

Though your feet are lacerated you dare not answer no,

Though the rice is insufficient and we treat you all like swine,

Down the mine bonnie taddies down the mine.


Now the boys were fairly happy till one cold and cloudy day,

When the 'Bunsho dono' he came out and he to them did say,

Now cxpcct you all are wondering why you're out on this parade,

The reason is, you must be taught, the Taiwan serenade.



Down the mine bonnie laddies down the mine you'll go,

Though your feet are lacerated you dare not answer no,

Though the rice is insufficient and we treat you all like swine,

Down the mine bonnie taddies down the mine.


You should see us work with 'chunkles' and we work with baskets too

Though the method is old-fashioned to the boys its something new,

And we'll work away with patience till the dawn of freedom's day,

But until then the Nippon men will all be heard to say.



Down the mine bonnie laddies down the mine you'll go,

Though your feet are lacerated you dare not answer no,

Though the rice is insufficient and we treat you all like swine,

Down the mine bonnie taddies down the mine.




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